Managing Interviewers and Rooms in Reschedge

Reschedge gives you powerful tools to manage your resources: Your Interviewers and Rooms. Interviewers and Rooms share many similarities, but have a few key differences. 

Interviewers can reflect anyone that is conducting interviews in your organization – Hiring managers, influencers, or other employees. Reschedge can manage Rooms from multiple locations or that have different resources. 

Reschedge Users can:

  • Add, edit, or remove Interviewers, either one by one or in bulks. Reschedge uses the calendar permissions your organization already has, and connects to the Interviewers’ calendars on the corporate level. No further action is needed on their side. Learn more about Interviewer management
  • Add, edit, or remove Rooms, either one by one or in bulks. Rooms can be added based on your organization’s resource calendars. You can use Reschedge to book actual meeting rooms, or other resources your organization shares. Learn more about Room management
  • Apply multiple Tags to Interviewers and Rooms. Tags are a powerful tool, allowing recruiters to group Interviewers and Rooms based on common characteristics, such as location, department or skills, allowing an Interview to be scheduled with any available Interviewer from that group. Learn more about Tags
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