Reschedge: Design Interview stage

Scheduling an Interview in Reschedge is a simple four-stage process. After clicking on the blue +Schedule Interview button at the Schedule tab, the Schedule Interview screen will appear with the first stage - The Interview design stage. 

Here, you can decide how your Interview day will be built. For example: How many Sessions? Who are the potential Interviewers for each Session? Where will the Sessions take place?  What is the duration and order of each Session? 

To set an Interview design, you can use an existing saved Template or create a new design from scratch. 


A Template contains an entire Interview design, and allows simple and fast Interview scheduling with repeating scheduling scenarios. 

If you have saved a Template for use, you can click on the drop-down Template Options menu to show you a list of available Interview Templates. Click on one to load the Interview design. From there you can make any adjustments you need without affecting the saved Template.

 You can also click on Save changes to save changes made in the current template. A new lightbox will be opened, allowing you to rename the template or change its accessibility. 


You can also choose to remove the current Template by clicking on Remove template.

Finally, you can create a new Template under a new name and define its Access level by clicking on Save as Template at the bottom-right screen. 

Creating a new design

You can also decide to create a new design from Scratch. In this case, you have several fields and drop-down menus that will help you model the specific scenario you would like to set. 


The Interviewer field can accept names or Tags for any number of Interviewers. You can add named Interviewers as alternatives or use tags to allow Reschedge to find the best Interviewer.

Each line in the Interviewers section represents one Interviewer that will be scheduled. To create a panel of Interviewers, you need to add multiple lines, each will be used to schedule with one panel member. To add a panel member, click on the blue + Add panel Interviewer link. 

The following describes Reschedge behavior when adding Interviewers, for each individual line:

One named Interviewer
Will force Reschedge to schedule the Interview with this specific Interviewer
One Tag
Reschedge will provide Schedule options with different interviewers who have that Tag
Two (or more) named Interviewers
Defined as alternates. You will see the separator “or” between the Interviewers. Reschedge will offer only one of these Interviewers in each schedule option, based on their availability

Two (or more) Tags
Reschedge will provide schedule options with an Interviewer that has both Tags
Named Interviewer and Tag
Reschedge will provide schedule options with an Interviewer with the specified name that has the specified Tag. This can be helpful when you have two Interviewers with the same name.
Leaving the field blank
Reschedge will provide schedule options with any available Interviewer from your account


Location indicates where the Interview will take place. Similar to the Interviewer field, Location can be set by typing a named Room or by using Tags, with the same behavior described above. 

Alternatively, you can set a Custom location that is not a defined Room. To do that, simply enter the name of the Custom location at the location field, and click on the suggested white on blue text, as you will with Tags or with auto-complete named Rooms, or press Enter. 

This will set the Custom location, which will appear in yellow, as opposed to a Resource-Room that will appear in green (when using named Room) or blue (when using Tags). 

 However, as opposed to Interviewers, an Interview does not necessarily require a room, especially if it will take place in the office of the Interviewer. To remove the Location from your Interview design, click the X to the right of the field. 

Additionally, you can click +Add location to set up multiple locations to book at the same time. This can be useful when scheduling a physical resource (e.g. a projector) in addition to a Room. 

NoteIf you haven’t added any Rooms to Reschedge, the location field will not be visible.


Adjust the length of a Session to be anywhere from 15 minutes to 8 hours long by clicking the drop-down menu. If a Session’s length is flexible, you can select more than one duration; Reschedge will choose the duration that fits with your Interviewers' schedules and Candidate availability. 

Topic (optional)

The Topic field will display in the subject line of your meeting invitations. Use this to categorize and give instructions or indicators to your Interviewers.


Order defaults to Any, but if you are scheduling more than one Session for your Candidate, and the order of Sessions is important, you can select one or more items from the list by clicking the drop-down menu. You will have as many options in this menu as you have Sessions added in this step.


Choosing the same Order for more than one Session will prevent the Interview from being scheduled, as it will pose an impossible scenario.

Start Time

Start Time defaults to Any, which will base the start time on your Interviewers' schedules and Candidate availability. This is most commonly used for lunches or for requiring that the Interview day begins at a specific time, for example, 9:00 AM. 

If you want to start this Session around a certain time, select multiple times. 


Sessions must be scheduled back-to-back. If you set specific times and durations that conflict with one another, or create gaps in your Interview day, you may run into errors later when Reschedge tries to find compatible schedules.

Add Additional Sessions

At the lower-right corner of your interview design page is the +Add Session button. Use this to add another Session to your Interview day. Each Session has the same series of options, and Reschedge will find schedules that accommodate all the Interviewers, Rooms, Durations, Times, and Order you specify, for all Sessions, and will schedule them back-to-back. 

Assignee & Access settings

The last section in the design Interview stage is defining the Assignee and the Access level.

 The Assignee is the Reschedge User (the coordinator) that the Interview will be assigned to. The Assignee is the User that is responsible for the Interview within Reschedge. However, the calendar event will still be created on the calendar of the User the created the Interview (unless a dedicated mailbox is chosen in the Exchange integration), and other attendees will be invited by that User. The User will also receive notifications when Interviewers declined the Interview invitation. 

The Assignee defaults to the User scheduling the Interview, but can be manually set to another User, when coordinating on behalf, or when the User wants someone else to handle the Interview. 

The Access level defines who can view and edit the Interview. This defaults to the entire organization, but can be changed to private (only the Assignee can view and edit the Interview) or to a Team the User is part of. 

When choosing an Assignee with a Team access level that the Assignee is not a part of, a warning message will be displayed, the Next blue button will be disabled and you will not be able to proceed to the next stage.

ImportantIf you assign the Interview to a different User, and set the Access level to private, you won’t be able to view or edit the Interview after you schedule it. 

NoteUsers in Reschedge can only see Teams they are part of. Therefore, Users (even Account Admins) cannot set the Access level to a Team they are not a part of.

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