Reschedge: Enter candidate information stage

After the Interview design has been set, you proceed to the 2nd stage in the scheduling Interview process – entering the Candidate’s information stage.

In this stage you enter the Candidate’s name, the name of the requisition, Interview type, and the Candidate’s availability. The requisition and Interview type fields are optional, but can be used in email Templates and in Reports.

NoteTo effectively use the requisition and Interview type in Reports, always use the same values for these fields across different Interviews. Remember that fields are case-sensitive. If you have entered values here before, Reschedge will try to auto-complete your values based on the first letters you type. 

Candidate availability

The main purpose of this stage is to capture the Candidate’s availability. 

Manual entry

The first tab is the Manual entry tab. It allows the User to enter the Candidate’s availability directly. This is usually done when you know your Candidate’s availability in advance, for example when you’re speaking with them over the phone.

The bottom half of the page is a calendar with the current week. To add availability, click and drag from the start time to the end time on the appropriate day. Should your Candidate be available all day, click the all-day box just below the date (highlighted in light blue in the image above, on Friday) to select the entire day. The all-day hours and the time zone are determined by the settings below the calendar on the left. Learn more about Reschedge timezone support

Should you make an initial mistake with your hours, you can move, edit, and delete the availability blocks as desired. Click anywhere on the blue block to move the entire block to a new start time. The duration will remain the same. To change the duration, click the small double line at the bottom of a block and drag to increase or decrease the duration. Finally, to remove any block, click the X in the top-right corner of the block and it will disappear.

All-day settings

Finally, you can adjust the definition of all day below the table. The link will change to fields for start and end time. Click Save to commit your changes.

After you have finished entering the Candidate’s availability, click on Next to move to the third stage – Select Schedule.

Ask candidate for availability

 In case you would rather have the Candidate enter their own availability, click the Ask Candidate tab. Instead of having a calendar, you will have an email form that you can send to the Candidate, with a link to enter their availability. 

The email will be sent from, with The User’s name as the sender. You can enter the Candidate’s email, any additional recipients (CC), and edit the email’s subject & body. make sure the availability link is included or the candidate will be unable to send you their availability.

Alternatively, you can load a saved Template. Click on Template Options and load of the Templates you have access to.

You can create your own Email Templates under Template Options -> Manage email templates. Learn more about creating Email Templates 

After you have sent an email to your Candidate asking for availability, your Interview scheduling process will be in pending state, and the Candidate will be added to the Pending Interviews list.

When the Candidate receives the email, they will click the link and will be requested to enter their availability in the same way you did in the Manual entry. They will be requested to enter at least 3 slots, where the duration of each slot equals the maximum duration of the Interview you have designed. 

When they submit their availability, you will receive an email notifying you that you can continue scheduling the interview, with a link to the pending Interview. You will also be able to resume scheduling from the Pending Interviews view

After entering the pending Interview, you will redirected back to the Enter Candidate information step, now with the availability the Candidate has submitted shown in the calendar, as if you have entered it yourself. You can still edit it on the Manual entry tab, to adjust working hours at the company for example. 

NoteThe availability is entered based on the Candidate’s timezone. You can also change the timezone that the Candidate entered. Remember: changing the timezone will adjust the availability accordingly. 

After you have finished entering the Candidate’s availability, click on Next to move to the third stage – Select Schedule.

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