Scheduling Interviews in Reschedge

Scheduling Interviews in Reschedge is a quick and effective task. To start scheduling a new Interview, first navigate to the Schedule tab at the top navigation bar and click on the blue +Schedule Interview button, at the top-left corner of the page.

Creating a new Interview consists of a simple four-stage process: Interview design, Candidate information entry, schedule selections and a final review.

  1. Design Interview – This is the first stage in creating a new Interview. Here, you can decide how your Interview day will be built. For example: How many Sessions? Who are the potential Interviewers for each Session? Where will the Sessions take place?  What is the duration and order of each Session? You can create a new design for each Interview, or use pre-saved Templates. Learn more about the design Interview stage
  2. Enter Candidate information– The second stage is the enter Candidate information stage. In this stage you can enter the Candidate’s name, the name of the requisition, Interview type, and the Candidate’s availability. You can either enter the Candidate’s availability manually, or send them a link, allowing them to enter their availability directly.  Learn more about the enter Candidate information stage
  3. Select schedule – After creating an Interview design, and entering the Candidate’s availability, Reschedge will use all the information from the Interviewers' and Rooms’ calendars, the Candidate’s availability, and the Interview design, and with its constraint solver and patent-protected algorithm will come up with a variety of Schedules that meet your criteria for your selection. Learn more about the select schedule stage
  4. Final review – When you select one of the Interview schedules that Reschedge generated, you reach the final review stage. Here you can make some last-minute changes in your Interview, change permissions settings, add notes and attachments and send invites to your Interviewers & Candidate. Learn more about the final review stage
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