Reschedge: Final review stage

The last stage in the Interview scheduling process is the Final Review stage. Here you can make some last-minute changes in your Interview, change permissions settings, add notes and attachments, and send invites to your Interviewers & Candidate.

Edit Interview

If some of your Interviewers are unavailable at the time you want to schedule the Interview, or you want to make changes in the Sessions’ order, you can do it here.

To change an Interviewer, simply click on the interviewer’s name and the Select alternate Interviewer lightbox will open. To select an alternative Interviewer, simply click on the new Interviewer’s name. 

Alternative Interviewers will be pooled based on your settings at the design Interview stage - If multiple Interviewers were added as alternatives for that Session (having “or” between them) or when using Tags.

 To change the Sessions’ order, simple drag & drop one of the Sessions to a new location. This will update the Interviewers’ availability in real time based on the new times for each Session. If any Interviewer is busy at the new time, their name will appear with a red strikethrough across it. 


You can review & edit once again the Assignee as well as the Access mode you have set in the Design Interview stage.


Notes are added to the calendar event and are viewable by the hiring managers only. When you click the Notes field, it will expand. Reschedge provides the ability to add notes that are common for all Sessions, and specific notes for a specific Session. Common notes will go in the top section, and specific notes go in the bottom field. 

 To select which of your Sessions the notes will be added to, change the Session in the Notes specific to drop down menu. Clicking Copy schedule into notes will take the interview details and times and drop them into the body of the invite.

Click on Done to save the Notes. 

NoteNotes will only be added to the Calendar event. By default, the Calendar event will be created on the User’s and the Interviewers’ calendars only. However, you do have the ability to add additional team members as attendees to the calendar event - even the Candidate. In this case, make sure you don’t add any sensitive information to the Notes, as it will also be visible to the Candidate. 


Use this to upload the Candidate’s resume, a portfolio, Interview kit or any series of files to the Interview. 

NoteAttachments will only be added to the Calendar event. By default, the Calendar event will be created on the User’s and the Interviewers’ calendars only. However, you do have the ability to add additional team members as attendees to the calendar event - even the Candidate. In this case, make sure you don’t add any sensitive information as attachments, as they will also be visible to the Candidate. 

Create Calendar Event

This option will determine whether or not a calendar event will be created at all. The calendar event will be created on the Assignee’s calendar, and additional attendees (such as Interviewers) will be added as guests. 

  • Calendar - Choose the calendar the event will be sent from (defaults to My calendar).
  • Event Title - Edit the name of the event as it will appear on the calendar
  • Privacy – Defaults to Normal, but can also be set to Private. Making an event private will hide it from people with certain sharing access to your Calendar.
  • Include Notes and Attachments - You can decide not to add the notes and attachments to the Calendar event if they're unnecessary.
  • Invite Interviewers – This will add the Interviewers as guests to the Calendar event. Clicking the blue interviewers link will open a field where you can add additional team members to the Calendar event. You can choose to add the Candidate as well, just make sure you don’t reveal any sensitive information in your Notes and/or Attachments, as discussed above. 
  • Remind Interviewers to Accept Invitations - When selected, as long as Interviewers have not accepted or declined the meeting in their calendar program, a daily email will be sent, reminding them to do so.
  • Notify me if this interview is declined - An email will be sent to you should any of your Interviewers decline the event in their calendar program. Click on the blue me link to add additional stakeholders to receive the decline notification. Read more about what you can do if the Interview event is declined

After you have set all the relevant parameters, you are ready to schedule the Interview. You can either save changes and update the Interviewers only, or save and notify the Candidate.

Save Changes

Clicking on this button will commit your changes, create calendar events in your calendar (or in a dedicated mailbox), and the Interviewers (as well as other team members that were entered) will be added as attendees. 

It will not send an email to notify the Candidate. This can be used if you want to confirm with your Interviewers first before sending it to your candidate, or you want to update your Candidate in another method. You can access your Interview at any point, either from the List view or the Calendar view, and click on Save & Notify Candidate, to send an email with the Interview’s details to the Candidate. 

Save & Notify Candidate

Click on this button will also save the Interview and invite the Interviewers, but you will also be able to send an email to the Candidates, notifying them about the scheduled Interview.

A lightbox with the notify Candidate email Template will be opened, with the default Template loaded. 


Here you can edit an existing Template by opening it from the Load drop-down menu, or create a new Template. You can choose a name of the Template, define its Access level, and edit the email Subject & body. 

You can also add different Variables. Variables are dynamic fields that change based on the Interview’s details. Variables appear in the email in [brackets]. Any text outside the brackets will appear exactly as is. 

In Reschedge, you can use the following Variables:

  • Company name
  • Candidate full name
  • Candidate first name
  • Recruiter full name
  • Recruiter first name
  • Requisition (e.g. “accountant”)
  • Requisition with article (e.g. “an accountant”) 
  • Interview start date
  • Interview start time
  • Interview schedule

The easiest way to create these variables in your template is to write your email until you get to a place where you want to enter one of these. Then click the Variable drop down menu with the text Insert Variable and you'll see the list of available items. When you click on the one you want, the variable will be inserted at your cursor position and you can continue writing the rest of your email.

You can also set the Template as a default Template by checking the Set as your personal default template checkbox. 

Finally, click on Save to save the Template. If there's a template with that name already, it will be overwritten. Alternatively, click Close to close the editor without saving. If you’ve loaded an existing Template, you can remove it by clicking on the red Remove button.

After you have chosen a Template, or if you decided to use the default Template, you can edit the actual email that will be sent to the Candidate, where the Variables are populated with actual information.


To send the Email to the Candidate, click on Send. If you do not wish to send an email to the Candidate, click on Cancel, and you’ll be redirected back to the Schedule tab. 

NoteThe Interview is booked and your Interviewers will be invited once you’ve clicked on the Save & Notify Candidate button – even before you’ve sent the email to the Candidate. The Interview is created and the calendar invites are sent even if you decide later not to send an email to the Candidate.


This button will take you back to step one. Use this if you need to rearrange the interviewers or add another interview to the day. Will usually be used at a later stage, if a change is needed to be made to the Interview.


This will generate a hard copy itinerary for the interview day, with your organization’s logo at the top, and the Notes to the Interviewers.


This will open a new email to your Interviewers, using your own email software. This is frequently used to send them a reminder.

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