Managing Interviewers & Rooms in Reschedge


Managing Interviewers and Rooms in Reschedge
Reschedge gives you powerful tools to manage your resources: Your Interviewers and Rooms. Interviewers and Rooms share many similarities, but have a few key differences.  Interviewers can reflect anyone that is conducting interviews in your or...
Adding, editing, and deleting Interviewers in Reschedge
Reschedge gives you powerful tools to manage your Interviewers. Interviewers can reflect anyone that is conducting Interviews in your organization – Hiring managers, influencers, or other employees.  You can add Interviewers by connectin...
How does Reschedge read availability from your calendar?
By default, Reschedge is set to find time in Interviewers’ calendars when the calendar shows that they are free.  Note Reschedge can only access the Interviewers’ main calendar.  Reschedge will block availability at all ti...
Adding, editing, and deleting Rooms in Reschedge
Room scheduling is an integral part of Interview design. With Reschedge, you can seamlessly book Rooms or other Resources for your Interviews, based on the Resource’s availability. Rooms work the same way that Interviewers work with some impor...
Reschedge: Introduction to Tags
Tags are free-form labels that you can give to Interviewers and Rooms in Reschedge. When you add a Tag, it is color coded to match with all of the other Tags set in your account.  Instead of choosing a specific Interviewer or Room when sch...